Friday, February 11, 2011

London Haul

Hi guys
Sorry for the lack of posts this week, I was on a mini citytrip to London! Hopefully I can make it up to you guys with some UK nail polish brands!
Before I went to London, I made a huge list of polishes/brands to check out. I wanted polishes from Barry M, Eyeko, Models Own, Accessorize, Bloom, Gosh, MUA, … But eventually I didn’t get many polishes! I only got the ones I REALLY wanted because I underestimated the prices!

Here’s what I got:
From L-R: Barry M – Dusky Mauve, Barry M – Cobalt Blue, MeMeMe – Passionate, Accessorize – Aztec.
I also got some nailcare products. I went to Lush and got a back up of Lemonly Flutter, my all time favorite cuticle butter! It was £5.80. Here in Belgium its about €10 in the Lush store, so I’m really happy that I got a back up.
Lemonly Flutter_wm
Before I went to London, I read about a hand creme from the brand Soap&Glory. I love using different hand cremes, so I wanted to get this hand creme. Its called Hand Food. I will do a review on this very soon! I got two tubes because it was get 3 for 2, a friend has the third tube.
Hand Food_wm
So this was it! I really enjoyed my visit to London, it's a wonderful city! My little vacation did kinda ruin my nails.. Three nails broke, so I filed all my nails to nubbins :( Hopefully they’ll grow faaast!
I will be posting swatches and reviews of my haul soon!
Thanks for stopping by and until next time,

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awesome goodies!
:) Yay fun stuff.
beautyshades's avatar

beautyshades · 735 weeks ago

Inot long i made a swatch?review of the aztec is gorgeus and a good dupe for orly space cadet. just found your blog you got a new follower. Barry m mauve another good dupe for channel. :)
I've been planning a trip to London for a vacation. I'm so excited to finally get my hands on some barry M polishes :)
Nice products! I can't wait to try out Barry M sometime.

I follow your blog now for a pretty long time and maybe you followed mine on Melaniesnailpolish (The Color Palette), but I moved to a new blog that fits my ideas. Maybe you would like to take a look at
Maybe I see you there :)
Hi, I came across your site and wasn’t able to get an email address to contact you about some broken links on your site. Please email me back and I would be happy to point them out to you.

Hailey William
Goeie site voor mijn dochters!
Hi, I came across your site and wasn’t able to get an email address to contact you about a broken link on your site. Please email me back and I would be happy to point them out to you.



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