Today I'm showing you the second polish that I got from the OPI Swiss Collection. Lucerne-tainly Look Marvelous (I love this name, very clever!) is a foil finish gold metalic. It's not a color that I would buy normally, but I really liked it on promo pics and other swatches so I decided to get it. I certainly don't regret it! I think I'll wear this one many times this fall. The application was fine for me. Opaque in two coats and applied very nicely, like I'm used to from OPI.

You are probably wondering right now why you see a Seche bottle in the picture above.. A few days ago, I was putting on basecoat and my brother was sitting next to me. He asked me which color I was going to put on, so I gave him the bottle of OPI Lucerne-tainly Look Marvelous. Bad idea, really bad idea. A couple of minutes later, he gets up and the bottle that was laying in his lap, flew through the room and broke when it hit the floor. I still see it happening before my eyes in slow motion, me getting up and screaming 'nooooooooooooooo...'. My brother was shocked for a moment (probably thinking I was going to kill him lol :D) but luckily I had a quick response. I ran to my room, searched for an empty bottle of Seche Vite (luckily I had cleaned this one out as I was planning to use it for a franken) and started to transfer some of the polish on the ground in the bottle. I had no choice but to trow the broken OPI bottle away. Goodbye pretty bottle, goodbye pro-wide brush.. But thank you Seche Vite bottle :) I had to have my first broken bottle sooner or later I guess, lol.
What do you guys think? Do you already have it or are you planning on getting it? And anyone else with a funny broken bottle story?
Thank you for stopping by and have a nice day,